You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
156 lines
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156 lines
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1 month ago
package dapi
import (
var Cf *Config
func New() {
Cf = &Config{}
func (p *Config) SetApiBefore(f func(a *ApiBase) error) *Config {
p.ApiBefore = f
return p
func (p *Config) SetApiAuth(f func(a *ApiBase) error) *Config {
p.ApiAuth = f
return p
func (p *Config) SetApiAfter(f func(a *ApiBase) error) *Config {
p.ApiAfter = f
return p
//func (p *Config) SetApiGetLang(f func(Lang, Key string) string) *Config {
// p.ApiGetLang = f
// return p
func (p *Config) SetRefreshCache(f func(Key string) error) *Config {
p.ApiRefreshCache = f
return p
//func (p *Config) SetKKStop(f *bool) *Config {
// p.KKStop = f
// return p
//func (p *Config) SetProjectInitStatus(f *bool) *Config {
// p.ProjectInitStatus = f
// return p
type Config struct {
ApiBefore func(a *ApiBase) error
//ApiRun func() error
ApiAfter func(a *ApiBase) error
ApiAuth func(a *ApiBase) error //鉴权
//ApiGetLang func(Lang, Key string) string
ApiRefreshCache func(Key string) error // 刷新项目缓存
//KKStop *bool
//ProjectInitStatus *bool //项目是否初始化完成
type InParams struct {
IsTransaction bool // 是否开启事务
IsTicket bool // 是否校验Token获取用户校验用户合法性
IsForUpdate bool // 是否加用户锁
IsTicketSkip bool // 有就获取用户 没有也不报错
IsErrors bool // 是否多条错误返回
IsCertified bool // 是否判断认证
IsNoCheckBlackList bool // 是否不校验黑名单
IsKKTrade bool
IsSaveLog bool
IsSkipErrorSaveLog bool
SaveEvent string
IsAgentAction bool // 是否允许代理操作 true-是 false-否
IsSuperOnly bool // 是否只允许Super操作
Permission string // 权限标识
LimitRouterRuleKey string
LimitRouterRule *limit.LimitOpt
type ApiBase struct {
C *gin.Context
Ts *gorm.DB
InParams *InParams
IsCustomResponse bool // 是否自定义返回
Response *Response // 返回结构
CustomResponse *interface{} // 自定义返回结构
User *model.User // 用户结构
Token string // 鉴权Token
Local *time.Location // 时区
Site string // 站点类型: h5App h5Pc h5Admin
Currency string // 币种
Lang string // 语言
Error error // 错误信息
body interface{} // 请求的body数据
paramNum int // 函数参数数量
funcValue reflect.Value // 函数指针
Limit int // 当前页数显示条数
Offset int // 跳过条数
AfterCallback func() // 后续处理
AfterCallbackDelay int64 // 延迟时间
Log *model.Log
func ApiDecorator(handlerFunc interface{}, InParams *InParams) func(*gin.Context) {
paramNum := reflect.TypeOf(handlerFunc).NumIn()
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(handlerFunc)
funcType := reflect.TypeOf(handlerFunc)
if funcType.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("the route handlerFunc must be a function")
if len(InParams.LimitRouterRuleKey) > 0 && InParams.LimitRouterRule != nil {
cache.Global.LimitRouter.Rule.Rules[InParams.LimitRouterRuleKey] = InParams.LimitRouterRule
return func(c *gin.Context) {
a := &ApiBase{Response: &Response{}}
a.InParams = InParams
a.paramNum = paramNum
a.funcValue = funcValue
a.C = c
if paramNum > 1 {
a.body = reflect.New(funcType.In(1).Elem()).Interface()
func apiProxy(a *ApiBase) {
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
buf := make([]byte, 1<<16)
runtime.Stack(buf, true)
e := reflect.ValueOf(err)
logger.ErrorLogger.Errorln(e.String(), string(buf))
_ = a.ReturnErrorResponse(ServerError, a.Translate("sys_error"))
a.Error = a.apiMain()